Friday, March 7, 2008


Richard & Jennifer,

I am humbled by all the caring people that have taken time to write such sweet words. Please realize that this hand full of people only represents the thousands, literally, that are praying and thinking of you. We know that true healing comes from God, and we have faith that he will comfort you and give you peace. Although, you may not realize it now, but miracles have taken place because of Lilly, families were brought together because of Lilly and lives are forever changed because of sweet Lilly. After it all settles down, please understand that we are still praying. You will forever be in my prayers.


I know you were only able to be with your mommy and daddy a short time. But this time will pass, and then you will be with them for eternity. I want to Thank You for your inspiration in my life. You have inspired me to never let a day go by in unhappiness. You have inspired me to love as if it is my last day to love. You have inspired me to not take anything God as given me for granted. Although you have only known a few people on this earth, there are many people that know you now. You have touched so many lives. Thank you.
~Jeremy, Jenifer & Charcey

Please, Please keep your encouraging words coming! You can post comments to this post or the post below this one. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Jennifer, Richard and Family,

You do not know me, but my friend Susanna Blanchard asked me to pray for your family. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Please know that you have so many people all across the country praying for you. We love you and your family.

Carla Fisher
League City, Tx

Phil and Lori said...

Jennifer and Richard,

I was Sherry's youth minister's wife so I heard about you through Sherry. Words cannot express how my heart breaks for your sweet family. I know I don't know you and you don't know me, yet there is so much love in my heart for you. I lost my Mom suddenly when I was 19, so I know the pain of a sudden loss. May you cling to each other and the Lord. He will carry you. I know, because I have been carried by Him. Cry out to the Lord. Tell Him exactly how you feel, He already knows anyway. He will meet you where you are and will hold you close.

Lori Todd

Living to Love said...

Hello. I do not know you guys personally and I'm way over here in TN but I linked over through Baby Bangs to your friends blog and from your friends blog to your sisters and from your sisters to here. Phew!!! Anyway this blog world has a strange (but good) way of finding those in need of it and then lifting each other up in prayer and coming together during hard times. I am thanking God for that specific blessing. I am also lifting your family up to the Father several times daily. My husband and I are in the process of adopting and about a month ago a good friend sent me this verse during a time of uncertainty and fear, I thought it would be great to pass along...
"My Peace I leave you, My peace I give you, I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid." John 14:27 Know that many of us are going to the throne several times a day on your families behalf. If you have any specific prayers you'd like to share....we'd be happy to pray them! My specific prayer at this time is this... "May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his PEACE. Numbers 6:24-27

Anonymous said...

I am Susanna's friend and we have been praying for you and your family. We are very sorry to hear of your loss. Lean on each other and most importantly, lean on God. He will give you peace and comfort.

Jamie Jones

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, Richard and Family,
We are family friends of Amy and Sherry. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers today and for many days to come. May the Lord comfort you during this time of great sorrow. With Sincere Sympathy,
Chad, Michelle & Carlee Jo
San Angelo, Texas

Anonymous said...

We are also friends of Susanna's- we are praying for you during this very difficult time. We will continue to pray for you and will forever keep Lilly in our hearts. My God Bless you.

Amy Kingston
CLear Lake, Texas

Anonymous said...

Jennifer and Richard,
Your family has been in my thoughts and prayers. I don't understand why things like this happen but, I know both of you will find peace with in yourself through the Lord. Lilly was absolutely a beautiful little girl.

Love in Christ,
Brooke Tooley (Askew)

Peas on Earth said...

Dear Jennifer and Richard,
I don't even know anyone who knows you, but through a couple of degrees of separation came to know about Amy, and then you. You are in my prayers. I know yesterday must have been bittersweet as you celebrated Lilly's life and had many friends surround you with physical expressions of their love. I encourage you to always celebrate her life as she is continuing to make an impact on a very big world. When I lost my brother two years ago, someone told me (as he had just lost his mother) that he was encouraged by the big hole he felt in his heart, because if there hadn't been a hole, that would have meant there would have been no love. Sweet. I also encourage you to look for all of the "little miracles" along the way to cling to to know that our precious, faithful Lord is ever-present and holding you tightly in the palm of his hand. May He bless you guys with his grace, strength, hope, and peace in the coming days and months. In the precious, powerful name of Jesus ~

Kristin said...

Jennifer and Richard,
I found out about you through Amanda's blog. There are no words. We are praying for your family everyday. May God's grace pour down like rain right now ~ Kristin

Anonymous said...

Richard and Jennifer,

You do not know me, I was made a aware of your devestating loss in a round about way. I just wanted to say how terrible sorry I am. Your beautiful little girl has taught me to never take a moment for granted. Please know that, while I didn't know Lilly, she has taught me so much. I will never forget your beautiful little girls face and those big beautiful eyes, and I will never forget hoe every minute we have with our loved once is a true blessing.

My heart and my love goes out to you and your whole family.

Kara Wilson said...

Dear Jennifer, Richard, & Family,
I heard about your precious little girl through a friend of a friend. I don't have the words to express how heartbroken I am for you, but please know that I have been praying for you constantly! You are in all of my prayers every single day. Lilly is an absolutely beautiful little girl, and I am so happy you had her to love during her short time on earth, and until you dance with her in Heaven one day. May God comfort you and rock you in the palm of His hand today and every day.
All of my love & prayers,
Kara Wilson
McKinney, TX

valerie said...

Jennifer, Richard & Family,
Although I don't know you, I am here reading about the loss of your baby daughter and it breaks my heart for you. She is a doll!
Please know that I am praying and God is listening. He will see you through this difficult season.
My prayer for you is a precious verse found in Isaiah 41:13 "For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee."

Ingram Gang said...

Sweet, sweet parents:
My words seem to stop flowing each time I try to write. I just have felt so much sorrow for you and have had such a burden to pray for you, your marriage, your family and your home. I know all of those must seem so empty to you now. The Lord just keeps telling me over and over that "My grace is sufficient for you and my power is made perfect in your weakness."
Your precious, beautiful Lilly has changed so many hearts and lives and has had an impact on numerous people. Though that doesn't ease a broken heart, or bring your sweet princess back, know that she was loved and will be carried on in many people's hearts.
I am just praying and believing the Lord will continue to show you his love in subtle ways as you are able to heal (to any extent) and be drawn back into his presence.
Lilly's service was a beautiful tribute of her life. You're endless love for her was apparent in the perfection of how you chose to honor her and the Lord. What a blessed 3 and a half months she had!
Much love,
Ashley and Brad Ingram

Anonymous said...

Jennifer and Richard,

Please know that our prayers will never stop, our memories will not fade, and our faith that God will heal your broken hearts will never waiver. Jen, I love you dearly and praise God that you have been in my life for almost 20 years. You and your sweet, lovely child have been such much you will never know.

Sweet Lilly,

I never got to meet you on earth, but I so look forward to seeing your precious face in Heaven. I have no doubt that you will be seated near Jesus as he holds you in his arms.



Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and am heart broken by this. i will pray for your family and that God will help you through this time.

Moriah from PA

Anonymous said...


I stumbled onto Baby Lilly's blog last Monday -- having never seen it before. When I read all of the comments and pieced together what happened, well, my heart just sank for you. I'm so, so sorry for your loss. Your family and Baby Lilly have weighed heavy on my mind all week. I know it may seem like the world around you is continuing as usual -- while your world is torn upside down. Perhaps it will help to know that there's at least one random stranger out there who IS remembering you and praying that God will begin to heal your heartache.

Two other things I wanted to share: in looking at your links, and the links of your friends and family it's clear you have a wide circle of people who love you. I hope you lean on them.

And, lastly, remember you are a good mother. Baby Lilly may be gone, but you are still her mother. You're still A mother. Talk to her. She'll visit you in your dreams...look for her to grow up there.

I wish you the best.

Take care,
Sarah in Kansas

Anonymous said...

Lilly's story has traveled all the way to Ohio. Her life will leave a legacy. We're praying for you and that God wraps his lving arms tightly around you and you feel his comfort and warmth.
Love. Love. Love.
Columbus, Ohio

Melissa W. said...

I will pray this evening for a tender peace to be with you in this very difficult time. From my family to yours may God bless each of you.
melissa from South Carolina.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jennifer and Richard,
Lilly is a beautiful baby and you are wonderful parents. Our hearts ache for your loss.
Sometimes silences speak louder than words.
Praying for you,
Gord, Joy and Chris Brown
Ontario, Canada

Jessica Davis said...
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Jessica Davis said...

Dear Jennifer and Richard and family,
My heart literally breaks for you every single day. Not a day goes by since hearing of your DEVASTATING loss, that I don't think of you and pray for you that your pain, someday, somehow, lessens.
Please know that there are so many out here, many that you don't know and don't know you in real life, that are wishing and praying they could take away a single ounce of the pain you are feeling.

May the tears of those that love you help to bring you peace during this difficult time.

Jessica Davis
Houston, TX

Katie Peterson said...

What a beautiful little girl Lilly is!!! Please know I am praying for you & your sweet family, hang in there!!!!

Forrest and Elizabeth Williams said...

To all of Lilly's family...especially her brave parents. I found your blog through the Skippers. Ever since I saw, heard, and read of your unimaginable loss I can not quit thinking about ya'll. I guess that's God reminding me that you need prayer constantly and unending. We have a 5 month old this hits close to home. I will be praying today and all the days to come. May God give you more than enough of Him for each moment on and may you be able to somehow smile as you imagine Lilly dancing with our great Savior, Jesus. With tears and prayers from one mom to another...Elizabeth (Waco, TX)

Anonymous said...

We love you so much.

Beau, Michelle & Bennett

Anonymous said...

I don't know you guys, but my heart breaks for you in this time of unimaginable loss. I trust that God's grace will be sufficient for you. That He who also gave up His only child understands the depth of despair in your hearts. He will carry you...

Anonymous said...

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

We will continue to lift you and your family up in prayer. May you be covered by His peace and love.

Love, Micah and Heather Ladd

Kelly said...

Jennifer, Richard, and Family,

I pray that God's grace will be sufficient. We know God has promised that it is, but it seems unimaginable at a time such as this. May God hold you be held and comfort at this very moment.

With Love,
Kelly Capron
Waco, TX

Anonymous said...

aJennifer,Richard We are praying every day..our hearts are full of love for you..I pray you feel the-outpouring of it...mambo and papa hamlin

Tiffany said...

My heart just broke for you as I read about your sweet Lilly. I can't even begin to imagine what you're feeling. What phenomenal faith you have in our Lord Jesus Christ! May you feel each of the many prayers spoken for your family.

Tiffany Lehman
Killeen, TX

Anonymous said...

You have never met me, but a dear member of my family told me of your devastating loss. I can not even imagine what you as a family must be going through. Please know that I pray that the peace of our Messiah may envelop you always and over saturate you at the exact moments you need it. Each and every member of this dear family is in my thoughts and prayers. May He be your comfort.

Anonymous said...

Richard and Jennifer,
I'm a minister in Joplin, MO. Your brother-in-law Beau mentioned what you're going through, and he helped me find you on the blog.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I've visited Lilly's blog and seen what a precious and loved little girl she is. My wife, Carrie, and I are praying for you.
Some 15 years ago, we lost a little boy mid-term. Carrie gave birth to him after we learned he had died. It was such a hard time, and I remember how much we were helped by our brothers and sisters in Christ. About a year later, she carried another son to term and everything seemed OK. Then, during delivery, something went wrong, and 3 days after being born our 2nd son also died. This 2nd loss was even more difficult. We struggled through it, with God's help, and I'm glad to tell you that we have made it through the valley intact. You never "get over it." You get through it. God has kept His promises.
I wouldn't begin to tell you why any of what you're going through makes sense, nor say I know how you feel. I just want to say that we hurt with you, and that in the very worst of circumstances, God can work good. Our first and greatest goal as parents is for our children to spend forever with us in heaven. You have already accomplished your most important task with your precious daughter. She's safe. There's no chance that she'll lose the joy of heaven ever. You can be sure of this. You can also know that sometime in the future there will be someone like yourselves who will be in a world of hurt from a loss like yours. Your words of encouragement, your insights, will mean a lot at that time. The diploma from God's School of Grief isn't something you ask for or display on your wall, but it's of great value for someone who needs you in the future. Beginning to see these things is really about the only way we could begin to make sense of it all.
To this day, we recognize and celebrate the birthdays of Jonathan and Stan. Their lives are significant, and they're a part of our family. And to this day, we still may shed some tears as we miss them and long to know them better. Our best days are yet to be seen.
We have a saying in our family: "I'll see you at the Judah Gate." John's description of the New Jerusalem, the capital city of Heaven, says it has 12 gates, each named after the tribes of Israel. I'm just simple enough that I believe it. My family's plan is to reunite at the gate with "Judah" across it. When we say goodbye for a trip or something, we recall that plan. No matter what might happen, we know we'll be together again in an existence that's more real and fuller than anything we're thinking of now. My 2 sons will already be there - maybe to show us around!
If you would like to correspond or call, ever, please feel free. Just contact Beau for info.
Your brother and sister in Christ,
Sherm and Carrie Nichols
Joplin, MO